A Day on the Coast
This is a blog post. You can login, go to Posts, and edit each of these to get some initial blog posts set up. Just update the title, change the…
Important Days
This is a blog post. You can login, go to Posts, and edit each of these to get some initial blog posts set up. Just update the title, change the…
Along the Shore
This is a blog post. You can login, go to Posts, and edit each of these to get some initial blog posts set up. Just update the title, change the…
Portraits and Light
This is a blog post. You can login, go to Posts, and either delete these or edit each them to get some initial blog posts set up. Just update the…
In the City
This is a blog post. You can login, go to Posts, and either delete these or edit each them to get some initial blog posts set up. Just update the…
Creating movies from an image sequence
Combining image sequence into a prores movie file ffmpeg -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -vcodec proves -profile 2 -r 25 -s 1920x1080 test.mov Deflickering Import movie into FCPX, delay…
Afternoon Light
This is a blog post. You can login, go to Posts, and either delete these or edit each them to get some initial blog posts set up. Just update the…
Splashes of Color
This is a blog post. You can login, go to Posts, and either delete these or edit each them to get some initial blog posts set up. Just update the…
A Million Lights
This is a blog post. You can login, go to Posts, and either delete these or edit each them to get some initial blog posts set up. Just update the…